1.When was old english spoken?
Old english was spoken between at least the mid 5th century and the mid 12th
2.Name 4 language groups which influenced the development of Old English.
West Germanic,Latin, Old Norse, Old Frisian
3.In the phonology section, name 5 phonetical differents between old english and
modern english.
-/w/ Old english: Velar and AproximantModer English: Bilabial and Aproximant-/ʒ/ Old English: It wasn’t used.
-In Old english we can find 14 vowals, now on days we only have 12.-The front mid rounded vowels /ø(ː)/ occur in some dialects of Old English.
In Modern English we find eight diphthongs, in Old English it was only six.
4.Are there any similarites between Old English and Modern English? Name them.
There are some similar consonants and allophones.
5.In the Orthography section, enlarge the picture of the runic alphabet. How many
letters (runes) are there in this alphabet?
There are 34 runes
6.Which epic poem was originally written in Old English?
7.In the See Also section, click on: Beowulf. Appoximately when was Beowulf written?
It was written between the 8th and the early 11th century.
8.Even though Beowulf was written in England, the story takes place in which
The story takes place in Sweden and Denmark.
9.In the poem, which 3 antagonists does Beowulf battle or fight against?
Grendel, Grendel’s Mother and the dragon
10.What happens to Beowulf at the end of the story?
Beowulf died after the final battle against the dragon.
11.Who was the author of Beowulf?
The author of this poem is unknown
12.What were the titles and the dates of the two film versions of Beowulf?
Beowulf (1999)
Beowulf (2007)